Hi there! I think it's been a while since I last posted in here, and this post might be a bit long... I think, I don't really know, but I'll try to tell everything I've got to tell you in here.
First of all, it's been a month since I released AMA4: The Extremists. I didn't upload it on NG because it would have got taken down just like AMA2 and AMA3 for copyrighted music or something like that, but my series is still alive and well on Youtube ;3
So, if you haven't watched AMA4 yet, you can watch it in here
Well, another thing I wanted to tell you is that I'm currently working on Episode 4's spin-off, and here's a lil preview pic of it
It will be about AMA4's villain before he fucked everything up xdd
I will also be away for a long while, and probably my animation progress will be slower than ever, because I'm going to be studying at the university for the first time in my life... and this is an extremely big deal for me xd
So yeah, I'll try to animate my stuff for Dudingdarn's collab every chance I get, and I hope I can finish it before August, although something tells me that something bad is gonna happen...
So yeah, I think I already told ya everything I wanted to tell you, so... I'll see you guys sometime, maybe. I hope I'm not forced to quit on Madness just to study for all the stuff I have to do on my university.
OH, by the way! To end this post, I'll leave ya with some preview pics from another future project I wanna work on... I'll explain more about it later... ;)
Cya guys!